Clinical Health Psychologist, Dr. Ouellette with:
Marriage and Family Therapists
and Other Collaborators
Your home for evaluation, treatment, support groups, classes, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access and sign my e-signature packet (practice documents)?
You will be able to access and sign your e-signature packet via your client portal. Required documents will be listed on your homepage.

What are the steps required for Bariatric Surgery Candidates?
1. Call our office to schedule your appointment and classes.
2. Set up your Patient Portal (you will be instructed on how to do this when you call) and update your demographics to complete your registration.
3. Visit our website to find the link to your client portal and to access helpful how-to guides.
4. Fill out any required paperwork and assessments prior to your appointment.
Can I join the Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Healthy Lifestyle Series if I am not in the Bariatric Program?
Yes, you can! Over four sessions, we focus on reinforcing motivating factors that keep you on track with your weight loss regardless of which program you are in. We examine components of change and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Overall, the goal is to assist you in creating greater awareness and facilitating a renewed participation in life. This class can be billed to your insurance, and you will be responsible for your copay, or there will be a $30 fee-for-service charge.
Payment Options​
You will be expected to pay for each session at the time it is held unless we agree otherwise or unless you have insurance coverage that requires another arrangement such as a co-pay. Payment schedules for other professional services will be agreed to when such services are requested. In circumstances of unusual financial hardship, your provider might be willing to negotiate a fee adjustment or payment installment plan. We accept cash, HSA payments, credit/debit card, check, and we have bill pay available at your Patient Portal.
Fee-for-Service: Hourly fee is $125.00 for master-level clinicians and $175 for doctorate-level providers, unless otherwise negotiated. In addition to weekly appointments, we charge this same hourly rate for other professional services rendered.